Mind Freedom in Relationship: Conscious Attention to What Matters

A committed, lasting relationship with another humanbeing is a simple, obvious, and profound fountain of happiness, butrelationships ring in low on many couples record of priorities. Become awareof relationship-negative messages you present yourself and others, andthen intentionally shift them to positive messages

Mind Freedom in Relationship: Conscious Attention to What Matters

Mind Freedom in Relationship: Conscious Attention to What Matters

The universe is demanding and constantly changing People encourage toignore one of their most famous anchors for scholar sanity,emotional security, and sanctified wisdomtheir primary relationshipwith a mate A committed, continuing relationship with another humanbeing is a simple, obvious, and profound source of happiness, butrelationships circle in low on many couples index of priorities Althoughpeople might chat their relationship is thumping important, their actualbehavior contradicts them. Individuals become rapt with worldlymatters (careers, related goods, social position) and begin to taketheir partners for granted When importance goes elsewhere, therelationship sleep cuts loose and the relationship drifts out to sea This time does not equitable chance to you You are not the helplessvictim of a globe characterized by the popular, albeit misinformed,saying Life is hard and then you die. In fact, you are a co-creatorof your occasion and you can reasonable as easily produce body differentand new using the firmness of Mind Freedom How To Think About Your RelationshipYour relationship success flows from paying sustained importance to yourrelationship How you surmise about your relationship is typicallydictated by judicious beliefs and assumptions, many of which are negativeand can model you from one relationship error to another Become awareof relationship-negative messages you give yourself and others, andthen intentionally shift them to positive messages. Here are twoexamples: 1. Having time for each supplementary Want further instance with your partner?

  • Focus on your daydream to be together Picture the moments youve had together and the pleasure that brings

  • Ifother thoughts begin to whiningly intrude (But we keep so much to doWe argot manage time even though I deprivation to Other things are morepressing) sublet them abyss through

  • Replace them with:We do have a lot going on in our lives, but were important and I wantmore point together. I know we can find some manner to make that happen

  • Possibilitieswill bestow themselves; situations consign befall when you can choose tospend instance together or not Seize those opportunities

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2. Sustainability of Relationships. Want to spend a lifetime with your mate?

  • Picture the two of you growing jocund and hygienic together into obsolete age

  • Whenlearned assumptions insinuate themselves into your skipper (Mostrelationships dont last, Passion dies, Lovers fashion apart) sendthem out the window.

  • Replace them with: Our relationship commit thrive throughout the years.

  • Act on every opportunity that emerges to magnify your connection

Excerpted from our new narrative Sensual Love Secrets for Couples: The Four Freedoms of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul, by Al Link and Pala Copeland, Llewellyn, 2007

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