If most BUSHIDO fans were asked the question, “In what innocent do you imagine BUSHIDO was the most popular?” I think most would speak Japan. For many years we were far and away the most haunting in globe circumstance The second incarnation of the UW.F. sold out the 50,000 knack Tokyo Dome in hours! Some might guess England We got boon ratings on Sky Sports even beating English Football. It was the numeral one series in the ratings Well, they’d be wrong. Far and away BUSHIDO enjoyed it’s greatest popularity in Israel



Our TV shows were on Israel’s most appealing TV stations. News of each circumstance in Japan was carried by Israel’s most haunting sporting magazines and newspapers We were being aired the corresponding case slot as the most viewed report program on a different channel, and would sometimes come out on elite of the ratings! Inevitably we were asked to put on an circumstance thereBefore the episode many of the UWFi wrestlers traveled to Tel Aviv for promotion. Yuko Miyato led some UWFi wrestlers in a apprenticeship circle for the Israeli Elite Self-Defense

Force There were rub conferences and TV appearances It all coincided in an episode held in Tel Aviv at the Yad Eliyahu Sports PalaceA preserve packed venue saw fans buying souvenirs and lining up the seats in anticipation of their best live look at their heroes in the flesh The card included:

Takada vs Scott

Albright & Lydick vs Kakihara & SanoAnjoh vs TamuraTakayama vs SakurabaAnjoh vs Ori GamielBovy vs Orin Ratson, the Israeli kick-boxing championBurton vs Miyato

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It was article else going there, naught like anything I had experienced up until that time, and boy did they ever roll out the red carpet over there during our visits

Flying into Israel, they had the most stringent immigration/customs procedures of any country I have been to. When I boon flew there for meetings with the local crew, I went from London While all of the more airlines where in the corresponding terminal, El Al was the only airline that was in a separate terminal far away from all of the rest, all by itself After a 5 hour flight into Tel Aviv, there was a thorough, and I mean thorough, baggage assessment They actually took my camera, pointed it at me, and asked if they could carry a represantation (to make sure it wasnt some grade of gun in disguise) After going through everything they perhaps could and a long series of questions, it finally foregone the instant they asked me the cause for my visit When I answered that I was with the UWFi and in town to go over undertaking germane to the upcoming episode all questions stopped and I was discharge to go.

Unfortunately, I was one of the only five members from the Japanese squad to not make it to Tel Aviv on the authentic fight night I was in London working on the Bushido TV exhibit As Bovy was on the card, Ohe took time off in preparation for his subsequent fight, Yamazaki was out with injuries incurred from a previous fight with Takada in a singles analogue from Tokyo Bay NK Hall, Nakano and Kanehara were not scheduled for matching reasons Right after that historical night in Tel Aviv, Gary flew in to London to meet up with me, followed by Miyato and Anjoh a few days hindmost to do some promos They were telling me about all the travel I had missed out on As soon as they landed at the airport in Israel, no baggage checks, everyone was govern to a buffet in a separate room, after relaxing for a team of hours they were driven by stretch limousines which only the politicians got to use as at that occasion as there were not too many of those. It was prime position service from inception to finish. No one could walk the streets alone as theyd be swarmed by connections Everyone was appointed bodyguards who were with the boys 24 hours During the weigh-in for Bovy and Orin Ratson, the Israeli kick-boxing champion, about 100 kinsfolk showed up with flowers. Ever since that time, Gary would always acquaint me privately how he tactical to spend his modern years in Israel after retirement Its so hapless that he was unable to fulfill this post-retirement fantasy He fell in love with the rural and the people, how they were so amiable and treated him and the fresh fighters with big respect. He furthermore told me that he did not spend a dime the perfect week he was there. He oral that his money was no wellbeing anywhere he went and how every restaurant and staff hotelkeeper would present him the wellbeing ol Everythings on the house for you, Mr Albright Out of all of the markets we were in with the Bushido TV series, none of us expected Israel to closing up being our biggest market.As a special treat, weve added two matches from Tel Aviv which never appeared on the Bushido TV series in the bonus footage section of Garys salute DVD-box jell for your viewing pleasure. One of those matches features a descendants Kazushi Sakuraba and Yoshihiro Takayama in a singles analogue in model of a ability mob in Israel This DVD pannier shows Garys UWFi matches from the Bushido series as well as bonus footage from the American PPV incarnation of the show, Shootingwrestling, with commentaries from Jeff Blatnick, Sam Rosen, Bob Papa and Gene Pelc

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